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Use AquaSPArkle Instant Filter Cleaner as part of a regular cleaning routine for your hot tub filter cartridges. Instant Filter cleaner will rapidly remove grease and oil from the filter cartridges. Supplied with a convenient trigger spray application, this product is suitable for both hot tub and splasher pool cartridges. Rinse the cartridge thoroughly with fresh water after cleaning.


Application Instructions
IMPORTANT: Always wear protective gloves & eye protection when applying this product. Avoid use on windy days.

  1. Remove filter(s) from filter compartment.
  2. Rinse filter(s) with fresh water using a hose pipe to remove loose matter.
  3. Thoroughly spray filter with AquaSPArkle Instant Filter Cleaner taking care to penetrate filter veins with product. Leave filter(s) to stand for 15 minutes.
  4. Rinse filter cartridge thoroughly with fresh water from hose pipe – foaming may occur so ensure filter is completely cleaned.
  5. Heavily soiled filters may require a second application.
  6. Once filters have been thoroughly cleaned and rinsed, they can be returned to the filter compartment of your hot tub/pool



AquaSPArkle - Spa Instant Filter Cleaner 0.5 litre

  • Please do not hesitate to contact us directly on 0800 112 3886 or alternatively email where we will be more than happy to answer your questions and point you in the right direction.

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