AquaSPArkle Spa Bromine Tablets are a popular alternative to chlorine sanitisers. Dosed via a floating dispenser, or simpley add them into the filter pod, these slow eroding tablets maintain the recommended sanitiser level over a period of 3-5 days keeping your spa water safe and bacteria free.
Key Features/Characteristics
- 20g Bromine Tablet (each)
- Gentle Sanitiser
- Effective over a wide pH range
These AquaSPArkle Spa Bromine Tablets are ideal for daily dosing of your spa, to produce free active bromine which kills bacteria and other potentially harmful organisms.
Application Instructions
- These tablets are designed for use with bromine feeders and floating dispensers.
- When feeder device requires refilling with tablets always follow manufacturer’s instructions.
- Ensure tablets used in the feeder are of the same chemical (Bromo-ChloroDimethyl Hydantoin). If other materials have been used previously, wash out feeder thoroughly before adding tablets.
- Adjust feeder to ensure a constant bromine residual is present in the spa.
- Check bromine levels regularly with a Test Kit and maintain a bromine residual of 3 – 5 mg/l (ppm) for domestic spas and 4 – 6 mg/l (ppm) for commercial spas.
- Check pH value regularly with a Test Kit and maintain levels between 7.2 - 7.6.
AquaSparkle Bromine Tablets 1kg
£31.50 Regular Price
£28.35Sale Price
Please do not hesitate to contact us directly on 0800 112 3886 or alternatively email where we will be more than happy to answer your questions and point you in the right direction.